DISC Profiling
The DISC Test
First, let’s deal with terminology. The DISC is commonly called the DISC Test. The word ‘test’ is a misnomer. ‘Test’ implies that there is a ‘fail’ or ‘pass’ result which is definitely not the case. There are no right or wrong results.
DISC Profiling is a more accurate name but, for the sake of everyday language, and because it is such a widely used name, we decided to call this system the DISC TEST!
Essential Tool
The DISC Test is an essential tool in the search for organisational and personal success. Administered more than 100 million times, the DISC Test allows individuals to identify and maximise their talents, and it allows organisations to select and develop the right people for every role.
Originally developed in the 1920s by psychologist and educational consultant William Marston, DISC testing has since been refined and validated by many eminent psychologists, social scientists and HR professionals. Today it is considered to be the preeminent workplace assessment tool.
The DISC Model
Some people believe that using the DISC Model to describe personality is an over-simplification. Before coming to such a conclusion please consider this…
“There are only three primary colours and yet they allow us to produce every single colour, tone and hue in the world”.
DISC Personality Profile
The Traits
D | Dominance Direct, forceful and decisive. Enjoys a challenge. |
Connecting & Communicating with the D Style
People with the D style will appear to be self-assured and confident.
They communicate directly and in a factual, focused manner.
They’re the sort of people who are always up for a challenge.
The D style is task focused rather than people focused.
When you encounter people like this your best plan is to be
- Straightforward and clear – try not to dither or beat about the bush.
- Put on your confident and strong front
- If you are not sure of anything – say you are not sure with a definite attitude.
Of course, giving this advice here is easy but may be difficult to actually follow when you have a D style person before you. Try to keep in mind:
- Do not be wishy-washy, chatty or overly emotional.
Remember, as they are task focused, they can be blunt and lacking in empathy or sympathy.
Be prepared for this and don’t be put off.
To end on a high note for the D Style – they are goal-oriented, resourceful and aim high.
If you want anything difficult done, get a D person on your side!
I | Influence Energised by others. Enthusiastic and optimistic. Enjoys influencing people. |
Connecting & Communicating with the I Style
The I stands for Influence – these people enjoy influencing others and situations.
They are energised by people and will be enthusiastic and extraverted.
They communicate in a casual and animated way.
The I style is people-focused rather than task-focused.
When you meet people like this try to be:
- Friendly and relaxed
- Be informal and light
- Encouraging about their ideas and thoughts
- Listen to their words and feelings
The worst way of communicating with an I style is to be:
- Highly detailed
- Negative
- Too serious
- Aloof and detached
- Sharp and critical
So, you may find that this I style person can be disconcerting because they may be rather impulsive and lack attention to detail.
Their initial enthusiasm may not be followed up with any action.
On a high note – the I Style will be enthusiastic and upbeat. They will prioritise collaboration and encourage a great team spirit.
Call on the ‘I’ person for a motivational speech!
S | Steadiness Co-operative, patient and thoughtful. |
Connecting & Communicating with the S Style
Here is a person who will be co-operative and helpful.
They are steady and patient – kind and dependable.
They are supportive and down to earth.
As you can tell, the S style is people-focused rather than task-focused.
For the best results when communicating with an S style try to be:
- Clear and specific
- Relaxed and calm – no pressure
- Co-operative
- Appreciative
- Respectful of their plans
Try not to be:
- Pushy
- Overly energetic and enthusiastic
- Critical
- Sharp or harsh
The S style does not relish change – they do not like to be taken out of their comfort zone. An S person must be responsible for the phrase ‘Keep calm and carry on’!
On a high note for the S style…
If you are looking for someone who is balanced, safe and reliable – look no further. Work-wise, here is someone who works with care and patience.
C | Compliance Enjoys following procedures. Strives for order and avoids risks. |
Connecting & Communicating with the C Style
This person is responsible, accurate and careful.
They enjoy following set guidelines and procedures.
They are logical, systematic and good problem solvers.
As you can tell, the C style if task-focused – the same as the D style.
For the best outcome when dealing with a C style:
- Let them do the organising – they like to organise!
- Be accurate and precise
- Show them that you respect them and their plans
How NOT to get along with a C style:
- By being overly enthusiastic and buzzy
- By being too personal and touchy feely
- By asking them to switch from their normal method or way of doing something
Like the S style, the C style does not enjoy change. They prefer to stick to what they know to be successful. However, whereas an S style is likely to give in and comply, the C style will try hard not to comply.
On a high note for the C style..
They will be analytical and research every aspect of a situation in order to make sure they are
If you are looking for a person who will try hard to get the job done, a person who will make a
plan and work that plan, this is your person.
Become a DISC client immediately
There is no need for expensive training or obligatory ‘qualifications’.
You can click and buy.
Or, email us and we will set you up within a few hours with your own dashboard/account for administering your DISC tests.
Already Trained/DISC Certified?
If you have received training to use the DISC Model of Personality you will find our DISC system very valuable and accurate. Please contact us for more information regarding our system and fees.
Personality Tests are not a Substitute
Personality tests are not a substitute for personal judgement or responsibility! They should only be used in conjunction with conventional selection and interviewing techniques.
Nature vs Nurture
People are not born ‘blank slates’. However, it is not all in the genes. Life experiences change us and define us. Nurture, in effect, shapes our very nature. Over the years extensive research has been carried out involving the nature/nurture controversy and today nearly all scientists agree that both nature and nurture play crucial roles in human development.
The DISC Test Questionnaire
The DISC questionnaire consists of 28 sets of four multiple choice statements and takes around 10-15 minutes to
complete. The test-taker is asked to choose one ‘Most Like’ them and one ‘Least Like’. They are asked to be
spontaneous and relaxed
This style of questionnaire is called ‘self-reporting’.
The DISC Profiles
The DISC Test Challenge
Here at www.disctest.co.uk we provide a DISC testing service that does not require any expensive training or obligatory ‘qualifications’. Our main goal is to provide a DISC tool that is:
- Accurate (of prime importance of course)
- Easily accessible and utilised
- Clearly and quickly understood
DISC Training | Coaching | Education
To learn more and to become a DISC expert – Visit our DISC Training page

How to Administer the DISC Test
This information is for those who wish to be invoiced and do not purchase via PayPal
You will be provided with a secure log-in to an autonomous Control Panel – CP.
The CP is, in other words, the Dashboard or your private Account.
Functions of your CP
- From your CP you will send ’email invitations’ to take the test. Each email will provide instructions and a unique link to take the test online. Note: You can customise the content of all the email templates.
- As soon as the test-taker finishes the questionnaire and clicks on Submit you will be advised by email. That email will contain a link to their results.
- The results are provided in a PDF format.
- They would not be able to view their results. You are able to forward them as and when you wish. Note: If you prefer, the CP can be setup so that test-takers automatically receive their results.
- All results can be accessed via the CP.
- You can print the reports from the email link or from your CP.
- All results can be forwarded by email to a third party or to the test-takers.
Time Frames
- We can set you up with your own unique and secure Control Panel within a matter of hours. Maximum 24 hours.
- The DISC questionnaire takes approximately 12 minutes to complete.
- Results are delivered immediately.
- £27.00 per test taken. Fees are only charged for tests taken. Not for invitations sent.
- Discounts are given on orders for 10+ tests.
- 10% on an order of 10.